
School Policies AY 24-25
Antibullying PolicyRead More
Assessment PolicyRead More
Attendance & Punctuality PolicyRead More
Behavior PolicyRead More
Breaktime policyRead More
BYOD PolicyRead More
Counselling PolicyRead More
CPD policyRead More
Curriculum PolicyRead More
Elevator Usage PolicyRead More
English Language Learning PolicyRead More
Fire Safety PolicyRead More
Governance PolicyRead More
Health and Wellness PolicyRead More
Health and Safety PolicyRead More
Home Learning PolicyRead More
Inclusion PolicyRead More
Innovation PolicyRead More
Library PolicyRead More
Lost and Found PolicyRead More
Marking and Feedback PolicyRead More
Mental Health and Wellbeing PolicyRead More
Moral, Social and Cultural education policyRead More
Notebook PolicyRead More
Pandemic PolicyRead More
Physical Education PolicyRead More
Policy for Learning Support AssistantRead More
Policy for Teaching and LearningRead More
Policy of Arabic BeginnersRead More
Policy of Child Protection and Safeguarding (with WHO and UNICEF)Read More
Policy of Educational Visits & ProcedureRead More
Policy of Kindergarten AssessmentsRead More
Policy on Admission (Student of Determination)Read More
Policy on Admission and WithdrawalRead More
Policy on Curriculum ModificationRead More
Policy on TransitionRead More
Promotion Criteria PolicyRead More
Reading PolicyRead More
Self Evaluation PolicyRead More
Social Media PolicyRead More
Stay at Home if Unwell PolicyRead More
Student of Determination(Inclusion Policy)Read More
Uniform PolicyRead More
Updated gifted & talented policyRead More
Video Surveillance PolicyRead More
Virtual Classroom - Behaviour PolicyRead More
School Policy of Physical & Psychological Punishment Read More
Student Behaviour and Disciplinary PolicyRead More
Final School Fee Delinquency PolicyRead More