School Curriculum And Assessment

Primary , Middle And Secondary School Curriculum 
(Phase 2, 3 & 4: Grades 1-12)

At The Indian Academy Dubai, our aim is to combine the best elements of the curriculum with the depth and breadth of subjects based on age-appropriate learning objectives. A good education must not only develop character and a sense of values, but also strike a balance between academic and non-academic areas. With this in mind, we strive to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities to meet the needs of all students.

The Primary Curriculum (Phase 2: Grades 1-5)

  • The primary curriculum at TIAD is based on the natural curiosity of children, according to their age group. We integrate the curriculum with NCERT (National Council of Education, Research and Training) along with international benchmarks and the priorities of the national agenda.
  • In addition to the curriculum for English, ICT, Mathematics, Science, Arabic, Hindi/French, Islamic/Life Skills, UAE SST, Dance, Music and ME, we also offer ZFABLAB where students can choose from creative and innovative clubs such as Coding, Painting, Master Chef Junior, Robotics and HIFZ during class time.
  • As wellness is at the heart of all activities in the elementary school, the department has also integrated ‘Happiness and Wellbeing’ into the curriculum, which takes a child-centered approach that focuses on children’s wellbeing.

The Middle School Curriculum (Phase 3: Grades 6-8)

  • During this transitional phase, children develop a greater capacity for abstract thinking. The focus is on developing independent learners who are prepared for success in high school and beyond.
  • The shift from a topic-based approach to a more specialized and focused understanding of concepts in various disciplines helps students gain insight into their areas of interest.
  • Teachers, students and parents continue to be partners in the learning process as they explore and make cross-curricular connections, develop critical thinking skills and apply their knowledge to real-world situations.
  • Acquiring new knowledge becomes more meaningful through the opportunity to apply it. Projects, exhibitions, presentations or field trips ensure that learners find many opportunities to experience theory in practice.
  • Planned co-curricular activities allow students to identify their strengths, skills and ambitions so that they can make an informed choice that best suits them.

The Secondary School Curriculum (Phase 4: Grades 9-12)

  • The secondary school curriculum at TIAD follows the guidelines of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and is approved by the UAE Ministry of Education.
  • We offer variety of subjects like Science, Commerce and Humanities with a range of curriculum options to meet the individual needs of students in the final phase.
  • At the secondary level, we recognize the fact that subjects such as languages, mathematics, science and social sciences enhance the child’s cognitive development and therefore require a greater academic focus.
  • In line with the holistic approach to education, we also strive for the comprehensive development of students and therefore place great emphasis on the equal integration of extra-curricular areas into curriculum activities.
  • In an operational sense, the secondary school curriculum is learner centered. The school is a place where students acquire various skills and develop self-regulation, enterprise, esthetic sensibility and sportsmanship.

Scholastic and Co-scholastic Subjects taught at Primary/Middle School Level

ArabicArt and Craft 3 hours 20 minutes Self Awareness
EnglishPerforming Art School-mates Critical Thinking
Hindi / FrenchPhysical Education School programmes Creative Thinking
Mathematics MusicEnvironmentDecision Making
ScienceValue System Problem Solving
Indian Social Studies UAE Social StudiesEffective Communication
Islamic / Value EducationInter Personal Relationships
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)Dealing with stress
Moral EducationManaging emotions

Primary, Middle & Secondary School Curriculum is Provided through

  • Age-specific learning targets.
  • A well- planned and carefully organized classroom and outdoor environment.
  • Effective system for planning, assessing and recording student’s progress.
  • Regular monitoring and evaluating of the curriculum provision being offered to children.
  • Attention to the processes of student’s learning, e.g. by encouraging them to observe, question and investigate.
  • Integrated teaching through themes and projects
  • Collaborative activities
  • Differentiated learning: catering to the needs of all learners.
  • Culmination  at the end of every project/ theme through presentations.
  • Weekly assemblies led by students.
  • Technology integration in all subjects.
  • Library as a live resource to support research and learning.
  • Field trips: Enriched curriculum based on educational visits and enquiry-based research is the hallmark of the enriched curriculum.
  • Community connections: to facilitate regular interactions with the community through different activities thus instilling in them the value of being a responsible citizen through projects such as World Labour Day, Ramadan Charity, Bake Sale, Breast Cancer awareness, Sponsor a child etc( Community Enrichment Programme).
  • Music and movement: to provide the children the rhythm to engage in creative dance movements and singing, during music session, special assemblies and special days.
  • Art and craft: integral to the way children learn and how they give shape to their imaginations of things around them and their experiences which connects to the child.
  • Learning support: We believe in giving equal opportunities to all students and accept students regardless of any specific learning difficulty. Students with learning difficulties receive support either through direct contact with the Sahaya centre on a regular basis or indirectly with the counselling   department liaising with subject teachers.
  • Remedial teaching: help to accelerate the learning process. Remedial classes and activity clubs (Literacy, Science and Math club, HomeScience,  Speech and Drama, Gavels club).
  • Physical education, games, swimming and mass PE: children are guided by trained professionals to develop team work, coordination, independence and confidence.
  • Extended learning opportunities in the form of workshops and guest lectures.
  • Subject specific week activities and celebrations e.g. Science week, English week, Arabic week, Math week and Al-Aa’lam etc.

Assessment and Evaluation-Primary,Middle & Secondary School (Phase 2, 3 & 4 - Grades 1-10)

The process of assessment starts with the Base Line Test, which is in the beginning of the academic year, and is used to set the targets for each subject. This test is based on the skills required in the current grade. The other assessments and evaluation are based on Scholastic and Non Scholastic Attainments. This is reflected in the mid-term review report and the end of term evaluation report cards.

External assessments such as TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS,  ASSET, GL Assessments  are an integral part of the curriculum.